Monday, 1 June 2015

I'm still here!

1st June 2015

Sorry folks, I am so disappointed in myself for not posting in so long, but I'm afraid, as so often happens, life got in the way!

Anyway, things have been great with our Princess, she is just such an amazing little lady.

  • She has managed to hear 60dB during testing in the implant centre and 50dB here at home with her TOD
  • She is starting to copy some sounds, in fact she if she is playing and you make certain noises, she doesn't bother looking up at you she just repeats the noise, which her TOD found pretty entertaining this morning, especially considering she is only just 15 months old!
  • A signing explosion has also happened, meaning meal times have become much longer since she insists on asking for more food between most spoonfuls and also asking for drinks, which she is now actually starting to drink! Oh yeah, and she likes to applaud herself for wanting so well - alternating the hearing clap with the deaf clap just like I have always done to her! My favourite though is at bedtime, when she signs back love to me while we are saying goodnight, it is the best thing ever. At that time she cannot hear me, but it's so amazing to know that even though we are all only learning sign, that she knows "Love" - WOW!
  • She is starting to remind me of my boys too, in that she is leaning out of her buggy, trolley, my arms in order to get peoples attention (often leaving round corners or flapping her hand - sign for attention) and say "Haaaa" while waving (Hi!), which just melts my heart
  • Today she decided to pull herself up to stand for the first time. She is a bum shuffler and doesn't really like to stand, although might do it if she feels like it for a few seconds, before she either sits down or lifts her legs into the air. I'm very happy to delay the standing and walking, since i know she is my last baby, I want to hang on to that for as long as I can, but I do realise it's going to happen and I need to prepare myself.
  • I can even see her play starting to develop as she moves cars and animals around the floor or planes up into the air.
So as you can see, progress has been fast and furious. I will never know whether a lot of things have progressed quicker because of having implants, but I do know, that I love knowing that my Princess can hear my voice and I love hearing hers talk back to me.

I hope you enjoyed the update and I will try to be a little more frequent in the future.
Saz xx

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