Saturday 9 May 2015

Deaf Awareness Week 4-10 May, day 6

9th May 2015

I can hardly keep my eyes open to write this, so please accept my apologies for spelling mistakes or meandering around the subject!

Tonight I thought I would like to talk about how we view Princess's deafness and our hopes for the future.

Princess was diagnosed as profoundly deaf at 6 weeks old - it was a massive shock to us, we hadn't a clue, we were so sure she was hearing her brothers coming home from school! Thankfully, with loads of wonderful support from family, friends, Sound Friends, NDCS etc, we have come to terms with Princess's deafness and although at the moment I feel that's its really hard work, it will be worth it!

Hearing aids didn't work and Princess got bilateral cochlear implants inserted in January and they have now been switched on for approx 11 weeks. Progress is great, we have noticed lots of vocalisations (constant shouting most of the time), some copying noises and so much communication between us all.

Whilst princess is definitely developing her listening skills and can follow simple instructions and response appropriately indicating that she can hear it and process it.

We have also been learning sign language (BSL) and I am very proud to say that Pricess has just started signing back to us - food, more. We wish for her to be bilingual and so this is wonderful news for us.

Due to my extremes exhaustion, I am going to bid you goodnight,
I promise to check in again tomorrow for the last day of my daily blogs for deaf awareness yet.

Saz xx

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